Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Ngai Tahu Cultural Experience

The facial moko (tattoo) were only drawn on but they seemed authentic at the time. Some of the international visitors beside me were quite jumpy and nervous when the warriors leapt out from behind the trees

I loved this combination of colour, texture and pattern - the forest greenery, the 'feathered' cloak, the arm tattoo and the traditional hair comb.

The small village whare (house/hut)

All Photos Kotane Cultural Group and Village at Willowbank, Christchurch. March 2009. Ajr
A couple of days ago I visited Willowbank Wildlife Park and stayed on for Kotane’s Ngai Tahu Maori Cultural Experience. After the Maori welcome we were lead through the bush to the replica pa (village), where one of our foreign visitors faced the challenge from a ‘resident’ warrior before we could enter for the performance itself. It was a relaxed night – a small group of us put through our paces with the poi dance and haka routines – and lots of laughs and photographs. The two Americans beside me were enthralled and I was as happy as a pig in mud taking my usual dozens of photographs. Kotane offer two evening performances at Willowbank each day.

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