Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Relaxing in Rainforest

Glacier Hot Pools, Franz Josef. Feb 2009 Ajr
I stopped in at the West Coast’s latest attraction a week or so ago – the Glacier Hot Pools, which opened in the South Westland village of Franz Josef in November 2008. Developed by Ngai Tahu Tourism in partnership with Joseph Developments (Franz) Ltd, the multi-million dollar complex sits discreetly amid a fist of ferny rainforest – as if they’ve always been there – a perfect example of the ‘touching the landscape lightly’ principle. They’re the only commercial hot pools on the South Island’s rugged West Coast and with three outdoor pools and three private pools (with more to come) at temperatures 36-40 degrees, they’re a big hit. It’s a very attractive and well designed complex.

1 comment:

  1. Kiaori Adrienne
    Wonderful site you have.
    I was in Franz Josef at Christmas
    I look forward to seeing Glacier Pools.



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