Wednesday, April 1, 2009

School's In!

After School Lessons for Koukourarata Tamariki. Image Supplied by Koukourarata Runanga
Te Runanga o Koukourata, based at Port Levy on Banks Peninsular, have taken proactive steps to ensure that their young people are getting the educational help they need to enable them to map a path to a brighter future. They’ve funded an after-school programme of extra tuition for their tamariki (children), collecting them after school, driving them to the Kip McGrath Educational Centre in Christchurch and then returning them directly to their homes afterwards. The programme is now in its third year and those involved say the benefits have been numerous and the children have made significant gains in their learning. “We’ve been delighted with the results,” says Koukourarata project manager, Peter Ramsden (Ngai Tahu, Rangitane) pictured above (centre rear), with a group of the runanga children. “It’s been a real success story.”

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