Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Traditional Designs - 7

Traditional Maori Design Motifs
On Market Bags
Cathedral Square, Christchurch
Christchurch Feb 2009 Ajr
To see other examples of the use of traditional Maori design motifs in contemporary product use click on Traditional Designs in the label line below this post.


  1. I love them I think they are cool.

  2. So glad you loved them Nix E. I see you loved them enough in fact to download seven of my images, despite a clear statement on my blog that all material on this blog is COPYRIGHTED and you do not have permission to download anything. Perhaps if you were to ask next time please.

  3. whose images are they

  4. All images on this blog are my own (as designated by the Ajr in caption); or they are supplied to me - as any credits in caption denote. I never make the mistake of using other people's images without asking permission and crediting them where appropriate


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