Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Down by the Lake

Lake Taupo. April 2009. Ajr
Waitetoko Marae sits on the southern shores of Lake Taupo in the little settlement of Te Rangiita, just north of Turangi. I came upon it early in the morning as I was driving from Turangi to Auckland. Nobody was about. I found it a very restful spot - beside a stream with a lush backdrop of pine trees. I haven't been able to find out much about it sadly, so I'm going to take a wild guess and suggest that it belongs to one of the Tuwharetoa hapu - perhaps one of the Te Matapuna grouping, who live at the south end of Lake Taupo. But perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe there is a Te Arawa connection? I'd love to hear from anyone who knows for sure - just leave a comment for me

Lake Taupo. April 2009. Ajr
I particularly loved this gorgeous little red-roofed church that sat to one side of the marae itself, neatly enclosed by a classic white picket fence.


  1. this marae is my marae and my family and i are from here
    waitetoko marae is a very lovely peacefull place if you would like to no more just leave a message on here and i will get back to you.

  2. I loved your marae - especially the little church - and I'd love it if you left any more information about it. I'm just sorry it was a grey wet day when I visited because the photos could be so much prettier.

  3. Its random to come across this but its cool!

  4. Is this church open to the public or is it just part of the marae and Tuwharetoa? Have always wondered about it and if there a services held there on Sunday. Living only ten minutes away from it; it is so beautiful. Is it an Anglican Church it looks much like one but then again I can't really tell the difference =)

  5. I can't tell you if it's open to the public or not but it really is the sweetest little building isn't it. I'm sure if you asked someone at the marae they'd be able to tell if it's open to the wider public or not; and maybe they'd let you look inside regardless. I was there at about 7am, so no one about. ~ Adrienne

  6. Yes, this is our beautiful Waitetoko. My whanau are situated all around the lake and Rotoaira too. We are from Korohe and my grandparents were Downs. We also have a wide number of marae around the Turangi, Tauranga-Taupo and Taupo areas. We are Tuwharetoa but I'm pretty sure that connects us to Te Arawa more so...correct me if I'm wrong. Sorry, can't help u about going in, been a few years since I've been mother now lies here at this urupa. Kia ora koutou katoa

  7. Thanks for your added information Brenda, Great to get a local perspective - Adrienne


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