Thursday, May 28, 2009

One Waka, Two Waka, Three Waka, More.....

Omaio, East Cape. may 2009. Ajr
I couldn't believe my eyes when I drove around the corner and into the tiny settlement of Omaio on East Cape. The 'town' itself is no more than the petrol station and store that you can see in the rear of the photograph below. What caught my eye were the waka - all drawn ashore and perched on a grassy knoll above a delicious little beach. It's not something we see down in the South Island.

Omaio, East Cape. May 2009. Ajr
I was thrilled by the photographic opportunity. But it didn't end there for, directly fronting on to the beach is the magnificent TeWhanau-a-Apanui Marae, which I'm going to bring you in another post soon. Stay tuned.It will be worth it!

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