Monday, June 29, 2009

A Quiet Marae Moment

Northland. May 2009 Ajr
It was still early when I turned onto the little gravel road that lead to Te Karae Marae, not far north of Kohukohu, in the Far North. When I parked my car there was total silence but for a pair of spur-winged plovers chuckling together on the front lawn of the marae. This little Catholic church sat apart, on the brow of the small hill I had driven up. I sat there awhile, just enjoying the peace and prettiness of the scene, as the morning sun came out from behind clouds.

Northland. May 2009 Ajr
Then the silence was broken - down below, I could hear laughter coming from the watercress-filled creek.. I couldn’t see anybody but maybe they were gathering the watercress? I drove down the hill hoping to meet someone but there wasn’t a soul about and I had to keep moving. A lovely stop nonetheless.

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