Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An Exercise in Learning

Images courtesy John Panoho, Auckland
A hangi (above) is an earth oven and for Auckland's John Panoho (Ngapuhi) and his team at Ko Wai, preparing a hangi is an integral part of the leadership training, development, team building and cultural awareness they offer through Tikanga Maori principles. Ko Wai was developed by John ,and Peter Phillips (Ngati Werehi). It focuses on a better understanding of Maori values - rangatiratanga (leadership), kotahitanga (unity), kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and manaakitanga (nurturing). The aim is to get course participants to build a hangi from scratch (without matches), which focuses their attention on all of the above principles. You can read more about these course by clicking on Ko Wai in the label line below this post.

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