Friday, July 3, 2009

Row, Row, Row Your Boat......

Image Supplied by Christchurch Canterbury Tourism
In a city that is supposedly "New Zealand's most English," this would have to be one of the most unexpected things you're ever likely to see. - a Maori waka (canoe), being paddled up Christchurch's Avon River in the middle of the city. I love the crazy unexpectedness of it. This is the waka Te Kowhai, purpose-built for the Christchurch tourism operation, Katoro Waka Heritage Tours. Katoro is the brainchild of Dave Brennan (Ngai Tahu) of Kotane Maori Experience at Willowbank, in partnership with his brothers, James and Aoraki Brennan, who launched the business in 2007. Te Kowhai seats 10 paddlers but has the capacity for 15 people. The tau iho (nose) and the tau rapa (bow) of the waka were carved by Te Ari Brennan, making it a full family affair.

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