Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Traditional Favourite

Northland. May 2009. Ajr
Kumara = Sweet Potato
Highly prized by Maori as a staple food, the kumara grows especially well in the Far North of New Zealand. I passed numerous commercial kumara growers as I drove through Northland in April and May and I couldn't resist a photo or two. There's something about seeing any word blown-up beyond normal scale that always appeal to me. Kumara appeal to me too - especially kumara chips baked in the oven - one of my favourites. And you'll rarely attend a Maori hangi that doesn't include kumara. I just can't imagine that ever happening.


  1. i've been getting feeds from your blog for about a week now, and really love it. thanks! (and yes, i absolutely love the kumara here. tastes much better than i'm used to!)

  2. Thanks so much for the positive feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying the blog - and the kumara!

  3. ...would it be ok to put your blog on my blogroll?

  4. Sure thing. Go for it. And thanks! I'll return the favour when I finally get around to creating one


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