Saturday, August 1, 2009

Keeping Watch

Ruakokore, East Cape. May 2009. Ajr
I love the tiny settlement of Ruakokore on East Cape. It's most famous for its divine little church perched just above the waves - which I'll bring you another day, in another post - but in the meantime, how about this terrific little shelter and lookout, established for the Te Whanau-a-Apanui kaitiaki (guardians/caretakers) of the local fisheries. It looked totally abandoned but it was heading into winter when I passed through the community, so perhaps things are more active in the summer months. It's a great use of an old bus and a caravan and I love the way the driftwood has been reclaimed from the beach and propped up against the shelter. There's something quintessentially Kiwi and beachlike here that you don't often see much anymore in New Zealand's more populated, spruced up beach communities. I miss that iconic bach-like shabbiness of our beaches. Everything seems so modern and sanitised these days. Maybe I'm just getting old? Maybe this little scene just pressed all my nostalgia buttons?

1 comment:

  1. well, it can't be age and nostalgia, because i just saw this and like it. and i have no 'memory' to refer to, lol :).


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