Monday, August 3, 2009

The Last of the Kai Features

I went out to Tuahiwi Marae 15 minutes north of Christchurch on Friday with the editorial team from Ngai Tahu’s magazine, Te Karaka. It was to be a day of preparations for the last of the Ngai Tahu kai features – a big hangi on Saturday. Over the last four-and-a-half years, Ngai Tahu chef, Jason Dell (who recently shifted to Singapore), Ngai Tahu communications manager and photographer, Phil Tumataroa any myself have travelled to all eighteen Ngai Tahu runanga around the South Island, interviewing and photographing the kaumatua (elders) about the traditional kai (food) their region is known for.

Jason meanwhile, took that traditional food – maybe it was tuna (eel), koura (crayfish), whitebait, kanakana, toheroa or mussels – and gave it a modern twist before presenting a feast to the kaumatua and their invited guests at their marae. It’s been a fantastic series – informative and loads of fun and we’ve met some very special people along the way. I’m sad that it’s all over. These are a few photos from Friday – Jason (in white) in the Tuahiwi kitchen preparing the food, ably assisted by former chef and now Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu’s web officer, Simon Leslie [in striped shirt]. I’ll be bringing you some photos of the actual hangi – its preparation and laying down and the meal itself, over the coming days, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you'd like to see some of the spectacular meals Jason has prepared on our previous outings, just click on Traditional Foods and/or TE KARAKA in the index line below this posting.


  1. Kia ora Adrienne, good meeting you at the weekend.

    Great Blog. Just a quick note - you have Simon Leslie (Ngai Tahu) in the Kia Feature - I work for the Office but i'm not of Ngai Tahu descent. I don't mind but others may think I'm claiming to be something I'm not.

    Could you please remove the (Ngai Tahu) from your post.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Done Simon! Thanks for letting me know - and sorry for not checking with you at the time.

  3. As a Kiwi, I always value people who add value to the information available to educate the readers. Keep it up!

  4. Thanks fror the comment B&B Christchurch. I'm glad you're enjoying reading :-)


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