Sunday, October 11, 2009

Collectible Books

I was out wandering with my camera last weekend (here in Christchurch) when I chanced upon an antiques fair. I paid my $5 entry fee and went in for a look about. There’s nothing I like better than poking about investigating other people’s old cast-offs and I’m always intrigued by the people as much as I am by the goods for sale. This fair was mostly collectible china, silver, jewellery and such; but there was also a huge sale of old books – and I’m nothing if not compulsive when it comes to books. There were at least twenty I wanted but I was most interested in the good-sized selection of old books on things Maori. There were some beauties but most of them were too expensive for me. I did however weaken and I got three – on Maori art, architecture and traditions. I think I might have started a new collection.

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