Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hats at the Hui

Last Friday, I headed south to Karitane, about 30 minutes north of Dunedin, for the annual Ngai Tahu Hui-a-Tau hosted by Kati Huirapa Runaka ki Puketeraki. The three-day event was staged at the Karitane reserve overlooking the very pretty estuary and for the most part, the weather held. The Hui-a-Tau is a chance for Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu to meet with all iwi runanga and representatives to discuss the years activities, business and concerns. And while all those formalities are taking place, I'm usually found taking in the details of the event - photographing people and places, artisans and 'aunties.' At this year's event, I was particularly taken with all the hats, so I've decided to start my coverage with a short 'hat parade' - candid shots of a few iwi members taken during proceedings.

And Hat's Off to organisers for another successful event

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