Sunday, January 15, 2012

At Koriniti Marae - Whanganui River Region

Koriniti Marae is nestled into a pretty hollow just above the Whanganui River. It's a lovely marae with a selection of fascinating buildings, including a cute-as-a-button church. I took these photographs llast time I visited the marae, in 2010.
The Whare Karakia - literally, the House of Prayers.
Carving Detail
Painted kowhaiwhai detail above the mahau (front porch) of one of the wharenui (meeting houses). Kowhaiwhai patterns vary from tribe to tribe (iwi to iwi) and many iwi have patterns that are unique to their area. Each pattern has a deep spiritual significance and is used to help illustrate the mana (power/status) of the house.
Gate Carving at the entrance to the marae complex

Kowhaiwhai Detail
Tekoteko detail on one of the wharenui. The tekoteko stands at the top of the house and represents the mana whenua of an iwi or hapu. It often represents a particular hapu or iwi ancestor.
Kowhaiwhai Detail
Visitors are welcome at Koriniti and you are able to take photographs of the exterior of the marae buildings. It pays to ring ahead though, so you don't arrive in the middle of a tangi (funeral) or some other marae event.


  1. your blog on atene marae whanganui river is now on a web site called,is this anything to do with you?if so, remove it promptly or court proceedings will follow.

  2. As you have obviously discovered, I removed the blog entry about Atene Marae as requested, when requested following your last message. I know nothing about where else it has appeared and it is certainly nothing to do with me. You will have to approach them directly and ask to have it removed.

  3. To H.Ranginui: Following your message above, I have checked out the site and notice they have stolen several of my images and blog posts and I'm now as keen as you to stop them breaching copyrights. However, I notice they have switched comments off and there appears to be no way to contact them.


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