Friday, December 7, 2012

Two Men, Two Cloaks

Over 1,000 people gathered at Tuahiwi Marae just north of Christchurch last weekend, for the opening of the marae's new wharenui, Maahunui II. These were just two of the men I photographed wearing korowai (cloaks).

Friday, November 30, 2012

Young secondary school performers in the impressive Amokura Kapa Haka  Group from Christchurch
At Ngāi Tahu's Hui-ā-Iwi 2012
November 24.

Kapa Haka performers from Te Taumutu Rūnanga, hosts of the Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-Iwi at Lincoln Events Centre November 23-25, 2012.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Textiles at a Hui

Fibres on a Korowai

Feathers on a Korowai
Te Whāriki o Te Pīharau Exhibition
Ngāi  Tahu Hui-ā-Iwi 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Two Photos from a Hui

Tiki at a Stall
Te Pātaka

Clutching a Kete
Ngāi Tahu Hui-ā-Iwi 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Inspired by Tradition

Hieke 2012, Copper & PVC

Contemporary New Zealand jeweller, Matthew McIntyre Wilson (Taranaki, Titahi, Ngā Mahanga), works in a Wellington studio overflowing with materials and ‘magic.’ His work is intricate, exquisite and time-consuming. There are clear references to traditional Māori patterns and designs, yet his use of recycled modern materials like copper wire, PVC, industrial cable and silver gives his works a tantalising contemporary beauty that sets them apart.

Kete 2011 Copper
McIntyre Wilson recently staged an exhibition of his work at The National in Christchurch, where the focal point was “Hieke 2012,” woven in copper and PVC, and created as part of the exhibition Kahu Ora (Living Cloaks) at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington, using materials supplied by General Cable NZ of Christchurch.

Arm Bands, Copper & Fine Silver

It’s a striking piece that clearly pays homage to traditional Māori weaving. Says McIntyre Wilson: “My practice of weaving in copper and silver originated from an interest in the form and pattern of raranga whakairo. Combined with my formal training as a jeweller, my work currently evolves, primarily incorporating these two art forms.
“I usually start with traditional patterns and then I draw and shift and change, working with the unexpected changes that occur.”

Poi Kura 2012, Copper, fine silver, sterling silver, Kararo Feathers & Raupo.
(Lower photo showing a glimpse of the  woven detail inside the feathers).

McIntyre Wilson was born in Hastings in 1973 and he studied jewellery at Whitireia Polytechnic, gaining a Certificate in Craft & Design in 1992. He later studied at Hawke’s Bay Polytechnic, gaining a Diploma of Visual  Art & Design (Jewellery) in 1996. It was during that time that he also began learning traditional Māori weaving techniques from Master Weaver and friend, the late Rangi Kiu. Matthew has exhibited widely throughout New Zealand and in Vancouver, and his works are included in the collections of The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. He lives and works in Wellington, creating a wide range of beautiful contemporary objects based on traditional kete (baskets), hinaki (eel traps), potae (hats), tatua (mats), poi and korowai (cloaks).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nga Hau E Wha National Marae, Christchurch

The Changing Lights of Matariki

Monday, November 19, 2012


Tukutuku panels - Takutai o Te Tītī Marae, Colac Bay, Southland

Traditionally formed from crossed stalks, or laths held together by decorative stitching with strips of flax or grass. Tukutuku craftworkers - usually women - work in pairs to create the panels.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

From the Kete Files

Contemporary Colour
Traditional Form

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Must-See Exhibition

If you happen to be in Wellington before October 21, 2012, this exhibition - Kahu-Ora/Living Cloaks - at the National Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, is definitely worth seeing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Waitangi Day 2012

Dave Brennon, Leader of Pounamu Ngāi Tahu, who performed on the day.
On Monday, we celebrated Waitangi Day in New Zealand -  February 6th, 172 years after the signing of the country's founding document, The Treaty of Waitangi in the Bay of Islands, Northland, in 1840. As usual, there were organised official and social celebrations throughout the country. I went along to the Ngāi Tahu celebrations at Kaiapoi (although Ngāi Tahu's official celebrations were this year staged at Te Rau Aroha Marae in Bluff).
The Kaiapoi celebrations at Trousselot Park, took the form of a light-hearted re-enactment with a signing of the Treaty of Tuahiwi. Dozens of locals came in period dress and Pounamu Ngāi Tahu entertained the crowds with a Māori cultural performance. I've selected a few photos to show something of the mood of the day.
Waiting with Mum before the show
Always a surprise when 'a colonial' uses a modern camera.
Traditional Ta Moko
Performing for the crowds
The weather at Kaiapoi was baking hot on the day but locals relished the chance to forget earthquakes for a while, and to lounge about in the sun, thinking their own thoughts about the Treaty and what it has meant for their lives.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Waikato Favourite

This is one of my favourite photographs of Turangawaewae House in Ngaruawahia, near Hamilton in the Waikato region of the North Island. You can read more about the house and its history by clicking on Turangawaewae House in the label lines below. It sits just of the town's main street, on the opposite side of the river to Turangawaewae Marae.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Northern Marae

 I was running late when I drove into Pahiatua last year but I did find two minutes to nip down a side road and take these three quick shots of Pahiatua Marae, on the outskirts of the small Manawatu town of Pahiatua.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

At Koriniti Marae - Whanganui River Region

Koriniti Marae is nestled into a pretty hollow just above the Whanganui River. It's a lovely marae with a selection of fascinating buildings, including a cute-as-a-button church. I took these photographs llast time I visited the marae, in 2010.
The Whare Karakia - literally, the House of Prayers.
Carving Detail
Painted kowhaiwhai detail above the mahau (front porch) of one of the wharenui (meeting houses). Kowhaiwhai patterns vary from tribe to tribe (iwi to iwi) and many iwi have patterns that are unique to their area. Each pattern has a deep spiritual significance and is used to help illustrate the mana (power/status) of the house.
Gate Carving at the entrance to the marae complex

Kowhaiwhai Detail
Tekoteko detail on one of the wharenui. The tekoteko stands at the top of the house and represents the mana whenua of an iwi or hapu. It often represents a particular hapu or iwi ancestor.
Kowhaiwhai Detail
Visitors are welcome at Koriniti and you are able to take photographs of the exterior of the marae buildings. It pays to ring ahead though, so you don't arrive in the middle of a tangi (funeral) or some other marae event.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Maori Place Names - 102

Taranaki, North Island
2010 Ajr

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Sense of Community

Like many Christchurch residents, Master Carver and Moko artist, Riki Manuel has been displaced by the earthquakes. He previously operated out of his own studio and gallery at the Christchurch Arts Centre but as that has now closed for several years for earthquake repairs, he has had to review his operation. He took the opportunity to relaunch his business at the recent Aranui AFFIRM Festival that was staged in December in Aranui.

The Aranui Community Trust staged its 10th AFFIRM Aranui Family Festival On Saturday December 3. It’s one of the biggest family festivals in Christchurch and this year, over 3,000 people turned up on a baking hot day, to take part in games and to watch a succession of stage events from local schools, culminating in  performances by world champion hip-hop artists, New Zealand’s Common Ground and headline act, hip hop-soul star Ladi 6, (Karoline Tamati), who grew up in Aranui and is just back from singing in Europe
It was a brilliant day of family fun, once again highlighting the fact that community spirit is alive and well in Aranui despite their earthquake hardships.
Even the police - often as heavily tattoed as the locals - joined in the community spirit, chatting with locals as they kept an oderly eye on proceedings.
Ladi6 was a resounding hit at the end of the day
The young made their own fun
And everyone did their best - by whatever means - to shelter from the heat of the day.